Rational of The program
The MBA is aimed at professionals in managerial/ leadership positions across a wide range of organizations from the public and private sectors to Non-Governmental Organizations and small businesses. This program is ideal for those who are keen to accelerate their careers, and want to gain relevant and up-to-date knowledge of current issues in business and management informed by leading edge research and practice in the field.
With this program students will develop an understanding of globalization and international business, acquire a multi-disciplinary perspective of organizations, and explore strategies that foster innovation and creativity. Prospective graduates will also broaden their understanding of the organization by adopting a holistic approach to business that encompasses the stakeholder perspective, as well as ethical and corporate social responsibility practice and policies.
The fast growing global economy is dictating business firms to depend their future on proper knowledge management. Ethiopia is no exception. Therefore, managing the business organizations in such unstable environment will be very tough for traditional managers as they cannot scan the environment especially the external business environment. To increase the efficiency and profitability of business organizations, the undertakings should use the graduates of MBA for they are exposed to different trainings which could give them analytical ability in decision making.
The MBA program gives the graduates with valuable knowledge about business establishment and all its related aspects. The students learn about business strategies and concepts, not only theoretical but also the training and internship required in MBA courses. These skills help the graduates to use the resources effectively and economically to bring about the productivity and profitability there by considerably increasing the efficiency of the concern. The purpose of the program is to generate all rounded professionals who can scan the business environment and adjust their business to the dynamic environment accordingly and prepare the business to exploit the opportunities thereby aggressively combating the threats in the external environment. The MBA program launched here in Addis College will, therefore, expected to contribute to the transformation of the economic and social fabrics of the local community in particular and the nation general.
Objectives of the Program
The program is designed with the following objectives.
- To enable students to acquire fundamental concepts and practices in business, management, finance, marketing, human capital management and investment.
- To equip graduates with the skills, Knowledge, and abilities that enables them proactively respond to the dynamic business environment
- To promote and upgrade the knowledge and managerial skills of educators in Ethiopian higher education Institutions
- Produce competent and knowledgeable professionals who would contribute to the development and transformation of the business sector of the country in line with the nations Millennium development goal
- To supply the labor market with graduates of high caliber who would be able to fuel the expansion and development of the industrial sector
- To produce graduates that would be consultants, policy makers, analysts, leaders and notable individuals who will be able to manage multinational business firms

Duration of the Program
The proposed curriculum for the Masters of Business Administration is a twoyear (or four-semester), full-time program with 30 credit hours course work and 6 credit hour graduate research thesis work; and three-year(or 6 semesters) for evening students, while the maximum duration shall be four years or eight semesters for both regular and evening students.
Admission Requirements
The minimum admission requirement for the Masters of Business Administration degree program is a Bachelor’s Degree. The MBA program is normally designed for those who have followed relevant and appropriate undergraduate studies at recognized Ethiopian Universities or equivalent institutions. It is emphasized that a strong quantitative background is essential for success in the MBA program. To obtain admission to the MBA program, applicants should fulfill the admission requirements of Addis College, as it is clearly specified in Senate Legislation of the College. In addition applicants are required to fulfill the following entrance requirements accordingly:
- A successful completion of a Bachelor’s Degree in business studies, Social sciences, technology, etc.
- A successful completion of a Master’s Degree in any field of study is also allowed to apply for admission into the program;
- Pass the entrance examination which tests computational, communication and analytical skills, as well as subject matter to be administered by the department.
- Candidate Selection Criteria:
- Entrance exam : 75 marks
- ICGPA in undergraduate courses : 20 marks
- Relatedness to the field : 5 marks
Total : 100 marks
- The final decision will be made where the average sum of the scores must be greater than or equal to 50%).
Entrance exam Breakdown (75 marks):
- A. Subject area (35Marks)
- B. English Language proficiency (20Marks)
- C. Fundamental mathematics (25Marks)