Incubation Center
Incubation Head
Incubation Center

Incubation Center

The Addis College Technology Business Incubation Center at the former on september10, 2017.The establishment of the center provides tenants with working space, equipment, technological support and entrepreneurial skill all under one roof.The center is also deemed pivotal in commercializing research outputs.
In his opening remark, Addis College President doctor kebede yadete stated: “the Center is of paramount significance to foster regional economic development by providing managerial assistance, technical assistance, and shared access to basic office services and equipment to tenants.”
For Research and Technology Transfer, for his part noted that the Addis College has been undertaking vast research activities for decades that help curb social problems. The major challenge, he explained, has been that they have only been shelf bound.“The establishment of this center provides a good starting point for implementation of research findings and commercialization of research outputs,” he added.Two innovative technology business projects already underway at the center were presented during the launching ceremony. Projects proposal on design and
development of easy and active enjera making machine {metad} for a sand screening machine were among the projects.The mission of this center is to allow clients minimize costs associated with setting up the necessary facilities, equipment, services for a business environment and encourage creativity that can commercialize research out.